Since its establishment, Trihamas Finance immediately develop into a good and reliable company. Within 3 years, has 13 branches have been widespread on the island of Java. With passion and experience new management that has proven reliable in the industry and financial institutions, Trihamas growing rapidly year after year so that by the end of 2008 Trihamas Finance has assets of 1.2 trillion dollars and has 32 branches spread across the island of Java, Bali and Sumatra, which including two branches, a branch of Islamic finance division Trihamas.
Realizing the need of employees to support the development of the business, currently Trihamas Finance open opportunities for the prospective candidate's positions as:
Credit Marketing Officer – Cibinong
- Male
- Age max. 30 Years / 32 Years for experienced
- Placement on Branch Cibinong
- Preferred candidates who live in the local area
- Education min. D3 (or high school with experience min. 2 years in the same field)
- Having experience as a Marketing preferred
- Mastering the area and the local language
- Having a two-wheeled vehicle with a SIM C and can drive and have SIM A (Commpulsory)
- Ready to work with the target
- Having good analytical skills yag (especially those who used to do the survey in the field)
Collector (CL) - Syariah Cibinong
- Male
- Fresh Graduate / Experience
- D3/S1 Education, GPA Min. 2.75 (4.00 scale) or a high school education with a kind experience Min. 2 years.
- Seniors Max. 30 years (with a kind experience Min. 2 years)
- Placement on Branch.
- Mastering the area and the local language.
- Preferred candidates who live in the local area.
- Having a motorcycle and SIM C (A driver's license preferred).
- Ready to work with the target.
- Having good analytical skills (especially those who used to do the survey in the field)