Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Inventory Analyst ACE Hardware Indonesia

PT ACE Hardware Indonesia Tbk has opened the world’s largest 14,695 square meter ACE Hardware shop in Living World Mall Alam Sutra, Tangerang, Indonesia. In July 2011, there are 48 ACE Hardware shops in Indonesia. The company mission is to be the #1 helpful hardware store in Indonesia by providing customers a wide variety of top selection products with reasonable and competitive prices, professional service, friendly and competent staff, sustainable improvement and comfortable shopping stores.

jobs career Inventory Analyst at ACE Hardware Indonesia rekrutmen vacancy September 2012
ACE Team always strives to accomplish the company's goals by staying highly focused on its vision of being a success-driven home improvement supply company in Indonesia. We maintain consistency in our core business, continue to prioritize our customers' satisfaction, revolutionize our line of industry, and steadily increase our market share in home-improvement and lifestyle retail business. All these endeavors keep us adaptable to market dynamics that is constantly changing.

In line with its vision, to be of being a success-driven home improvement supply company in Indonesia, currently ACE Hardware Indonesia open opportunities for the prospective candidate's positions as:

Inventory Analyst (Code: IA)

  • Male/Female
  • Age max 28 years old
  • Holding min. Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering, Information Systems, Accounting, IT, Mathematics from reputable university
  • Having min. GPA 3.00 (out of 4.0 scale)
  • Preferably having Science (IPA) background in High School (SMU/SMA)
  • Having good analytical skill and likes to work with numbers
  • Detail oriented, thorough, and able to work under pressure
  • Communicative and sprightful
Interested and qualified candidates may send the application letter and other support document, please Send your complete CV, recent photograph and contact number to:

HRD PT Ace Hardware Indonesia, Tbk
(please put the job code on email subject)